58 Ward Ave., Easthampton, MA 01027 | 718.781.4763 | melissa.weinberger@me.com
Media Relations and Content Director, Bay Path University (2018-present)
Lead media outreach, public relations and external communication strategies for Bay Path University
Op-ed, speechwriting and scripts for Bay Path President
Developed external newsletter with a consistent 50% open rate (industry standard is 30%)
Scripted and directed Bay Path’s Women’s Leadership Conference, including developing the Q&A for keynote speakers Robyn Roberts and Tyra Banks.
Created institutional campaigns to highlight milestones and achievements
Worked with production companies to write and produce short films and videos that tell the Bay Path story to potential partners, donors, and students
Freelance Copywriter New York, NY (2003–present)
· Launched independent endeavor to seek clients and oversee copy and creative on marketing campaigns, promotional materials, newsletters and additional print collateral
· Pitch, conceive and develop campaigns for both print and electronic media for independent clients, in-house marketing departments and collaborations with advertising agencies
· Present ideas and campaigns to a high profile media and fashion client base including VH-1, Nickelodeon and J.Crew, as well as educational institutes and non-profit organizations
· Work with art director/ graphic designer to select imagery and design elements, position copy and ad layout, including an award-winning rebranding campaign for the Isenberg School of Business at UMass Amherst
Marketing Communications Manager UMass Donahue Institute, Hadley, MA (2011–2014)
· Planned, directed and coordinated all communication activities designed to create or maintain a favorable public image and raise awareness for the work and publications of the five separate business units housed within the Donahue Institute
· Developed media outreach and social media strategy to promote Massachusetts STEM Summit, an annual event held at Gillette Stadium bringing together over 1,000 educators, business leaders and government officers from throughout the Commonwealth
· Oversaw the redesign and redevelopment of the Donahue Institute website. Full range of Information architecture duties: conducted analysis of site content and content management system, created and distributed client and user surveys, and collaborated on content creation with all Institute business units
· Wrote and edited media advisories and press releases, assisted with writing and editing of industry reports
· Maintained Press Room section with articles and media coverage items
· Collaborated with media officers from UMass Amherst, UMass Presidents Office and Governor Patrick’s administration, reporters, media partners and regional museums
· Developed and implemented social media strategy for the Institute via Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
Publisher/ Editor, Founder Edible Pioneer Valley, Easthampton, MA (2007–2011)
· Independently launched quarterly publication (annual circulation 40,000) focused on local food culture in Western Massachusetts
· Full range of editorial duties included: brainstorming story ideas, writing features, essays, and all headlines and taglines, assigning and overseeing freelance writers and photographers, managing interns, editing stories, collaborating with designer on full magazine layout (24-32 pages per issue)
· Full range of marketing and publishing duties included: developing creative marketing initiatives which tie into advertisers interests, such as events and targeted ad campaigns, events planning and promotion; creating annual media kit and seasonal marketing materials; developing advertising pricing structure and added value proposals; evaluating quotes and proposals of potential printers; working with printer to schedule upload, delivery and distribution of each issue; arranging sales calls and face-to-face meetings with potential advertisers; presenting magazine at regular meetings in efforts to sell advertising space
· Social media strategies included: maintaining Facebook page and Twitter account; creating seasonal e-newsletter and updating website (using Joomla) with current content, blog postings, events listings, evaluating efficacy of marketing efforts with Google Analytics and Constant Contact reports
· Public engagements included: representing magazine at networking meetings and Chamber of Commerce events, speaking at local colleges and literary conferences, assisting local non-profits with social media strategies
Senior Copywriter Time Warner Cable (AOL Time Warner), New York, NY (2000–2003)
· Created print campaign selected by US Ad Review for The Best American Advertising Quarterly Fall 2003
· Developed concepts, wrote scripts, and assisted in production of television and radio commercials
· Wrote customer letters for direct response mailings and invitations and program copy for special events
· Created promotional contest themes and copy
· Interacted with marketing departments from entertainment networks (Turner Classic Movies, CNN, Cartoon Network, Showtime, Sundance, HBO, VH-1, National Geographic Channel, etc.) to obtain visuals and text in order to tailor individual network campaigns
Freelance writer and researcher (Publishing) New York, NY (1998–2000)
· Devised, pitched, researched, and wrote features for websites, magazines and newspapers
· Worked in editorial departments of national magazines, researching and reporting articles on a wide range of subjects (topics include travel, medicine, finance, and entertainment). Publications include TV Guide, Parents and Brides
· Conducted follow-up interviews with sources, in-depth use of the Internet, reference texts, periodicals, and LEXIS/NEXIS. Wrote tag lines and captions
· Proofread articles for accuracy and consistency of spellings, data, quotes, trademarks, dates, prices and all other factual content
Computer literate: Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, HTML, content management systems
VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Adult Literacy Tutor, Literacy Partners, New York, NY (2001-2004)
EDUCATION: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 1994, Commonwealth Scholar, Magna Cum Laude